Sunday, December 14, 2014

Vegetable Garden Competition

I was very lucky to be able to visit a wonderful garden that a Room 7 student is growing as part of a vegetable garden competition. I was very impressed with the size of the lettuces and even took home some boysenberries to enjoy for pudding. Delicious!

Students as Teachers Day in Room 7

Room 7 had a fantastic day on Friday. Three students were the teachers for the day, as they were the winners of the class start system for following our school values of honesty, respect and perseverance. The three students did a wonderful job of running the class for the day and enjoyed their hot chocolate in the staff room at morning tea time. At the end of the day we were all very excited to have Father Christmas join us with a few treats!!

People Saver Course

Room 7 students were very fortunate to take part in a first aid course last week. They learnt how about the doctors ABC along with what to do if someone is choking and how to treat burns. It was a great day and the students thoroughly enjoyed learning valuable skills.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tough Kids Challenge

A wonderful day at the Tough Kids Challenge for Room 7. So proud of how everybody performed on the day. A fantastic effort.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rock Climbing Wall

Room 7 were amazing yesterday when they all got to have a go on the portable rock climbing wall. All students persevered with the different climbs and can be justifiably proud of themselves.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I am very proud of the Kapa haka group - they performed magnificently!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chester and Big G Out and About!

We are so lucky in Taranaki to have so many beautiful rivers to visit. Chester enjoyed a lovely afternoon with his family at Koru Pa. It was too cold for Chester to swim.

Big G Takes His First Swimming Lesson

Big G had his very first swimming lesson when Chester's family took him to Koru Pa in the weekend. Big G is modelling what to do if you should find yourself in trouble in the water. He has flipped onto his back and is staying calm, He will soon start kicking, while on his back, to the side. Clever Big G.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hi Room 7. Here is a video of our music assembly today. You can share it with your family so they listen to how wonderful you all played your instruments. I am very proud of you all. From Mrs Z.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Big G Learning How to Loom

Big G was very clever at Amelia's house over the weekend. He made three bracelets and one necklace out of loom bands. Amelia looks lovely wearing them at school today. Thank you Big G.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Racey Big G

Big G is sitting in Ava's go cart. He didn't get to ride the go cart around but Ava did. Ava went go carting on her dad's friends farm. Unfortunately the chain broke several times which meant the go cart broke down. Fortunately Ava's dad was able to fix it. I bet Big G would like to have a go.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Room 7's Day in the Enviro Centre

Room 7 had an amazing day in the Enviro Centre yesterday. The day began with shelter building. Then it was on to bubble science which involved observing and investigating how to make bubbles bigger and last longer. The next activity involved a nature treasure hunt which led onto nest building and hunting for bugs. After lunch we all took part in a quiz game and the day ended with making an accessory from nature, which one lucky person from each group got to model. A great day was had by all and everyone co-operated very well throughout the day which made it an enjoyable day for everybody.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Big G Visits Lollipop Playground

Brodie was very lucky to visit Lollipop Playground in Palmerston North over the weekend. Brodie was visiting Palmerston North for Fletcher's basketball tournament. Fletcher's team played really well and even though they didn't win, the scores were very close. It looks like Big G and Brodie had a great time together.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Basket Ball Semi Final

Miss Bain, Mrs Zieltjes and Miss Hepworth were all very impressed with the skills our students showed when playing in the basket ball semi final last Monday. It was a very exciting game to watch.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lunch with Big G

Caden and his family enjoyed lunch at Back Beach with Big G before heading to rep training. Caden won three running races against his brother while running along the beach. Big G must have been his good luck mascot.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Big G Visiting Lake Taupo

Big G was very lucky last weekend. He traveled to Taupo with Caeley's family. He even got to watch Caeley take part in her gymnastics competition where Caeley finished in the top third of the contestants. Well done Caeley and Big G.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Can Drive

Room 7 kindly brought cans to school that will help feed children in other schools who do not have breakfast at home. A good effort Room 7.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Room 7 Buddy Time

Oliver made up a fun game to play with his Room 7 buddy. The game involved children walking across bubble wrap while trying not to pop any of the bubbles. The winning team popped the least amount of bubbles.

Buddy Time - Room 7 and Room 3

Room 7 students made up games to play with their Room 3 buddies. They had to write clear instructions and then organise the equipment themselves. Well done to Room 7 students for playing so well with their younger buddies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pyjama Day at Oakura School

Room 7 have been learning how to write an effective caption under a photo. Practise your skills by writing a caption for the above photo and Mrs Zieltjes will publish the caption that is the most effective. Remember to click on comment, type your caption and then choose 'anonymous' before sending it to me. Thank you.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ed and Big G

Ed on his motorbike enjoying time with Big G. Good to see you wearing your helmet Ed. Fun times.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Poem About Volcanos

Huddling down deep inside,
As quiet as a mouse,
Boiling magma dangerous and bold,
While I’m safe inside my house,
Suddenly I feel a shake then after that a rumble,
I look around my room and see everything start to tumble,
I catch a glimpse at the volcano with smoke pouring out the top,
The smoke is oh so thick and I cannot see all our crops,
As quick as a flash I run out the door and hop into the car,
I see all my village friends drive off and soon I start to cry,
It can be quite hard leaving everything back there,
I wish I had my china doll with her ever so smooth hair,
Mum tells me to think about all the good stuff,

That is quite hard with your sisters being very rough!!!
By Ella-Maire

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Missing You Sahara

Hi Sahara. We are all really missing you in Room. 7. We hope things are going well at your new school. Love from Room 7 and Mrs Z.

A Poem That Reflects the Weather We Have Been Experiencing

It’s a stormy night
I’m curled up tight
Soon I see the sky alight.
Here I lay in my bed
While thunder crashes up ahead.
The rain is pounding on the roof
Or is it hail? Kapoof Kapoof!
The storm is finally settling down
My brother’s trying to be a clown!
He puts the cat in his baseball hat
And tries to be an acrobat!
Soon I find myself drifting to sleep
And open one eye just for a peep
My brother is asleep just like me,
But at this time of night you might be

watching TV!

By Hayley

A Fun Wet Weather Game By Rueben


This activity is an action and listening game!
It involves students getting into a circle, holding chairs and responding to a clapping pattern which they then move in a left or right direction.

A classroom of children
The same number of chairs as children
A leader who is the clapper

  1. Children position themselves into a circle with their chairs tipped onto the front two legs in front of them.
  2.   The clapper claps their hands either once or twice.  
  3.   If the clapper claps their hands once all children must move to the chair to the left of them without the chair they are moving to falling on to its back legs.
4.            If the clapper claps twice all children must move to the chair to the right of them without the chair they are moving to falling on to its back legs.

5.            If the chair does fall onto its back legs you are out!

6.            Be honest about being out.

7.            If you are out you move your chair and yourself out of the circle.

8.            The gap doesn't close, any remaining chaIrs must stay where they are.

9.            Keep repeating clapping until one person remains.


HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Message to Our Class Friend

I am a pupil in room 7 and one of my friends in room 7 has left to Queenstown. I was devastated when she left and my class was too(including my teacher). She is a really good friend, someone no-one could forget. We certainly won't forget her. I miss everything about her and her friends and Mrs Z do too. We hope she has a great start in her new school and we look forward to hearing from her very soon.
Love from all your Room 7 friends.

A Poem to Enjoy

Stormy day

Waves roll in and out
Trying to take the land away
Grey clouds send out white flashes
Wind howls now, around the house
And trees creak and some lie on the street
The storm’s here and will stay
Until the sea takes it away
What another dreadful day.

By Oscar 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Big G Out and About in New Plymouth

Big G was very fortunate to spend the weekend with Ella. Here they are in front of a bridge that has won an award for its design. What is the name of this bridge?

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 inter-school football team - proud of you all for bringing home the shield, while displaying good sportsmanship.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Over the Rainbow Production

Room 7 represents the blue colour of the rainbow. Here we are dressed ready for our first performance and what a performance it was! Proud of you Room 7. From Mrs Z.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Big G On Holiday

Big G enjoyed a special visit to a Room 7 family over the weekend. Here Big G is watching TV with Fenton. Both of them really enjoy the programmes on Cartoon Network. Maybe Big G is hoping to see another gorilla on the screen.

Monday, June 30, 2014

A Great Way to Reuse Rubbish

A very attractive 'money-bot' made from recycled materials. A good way to save all those spare coins. Well done!

Big G Being Creative

Big G was very lucky to spend the weekend with a Room 7 student. Together they completed the homework challenge of creating something out of rubbish. What a great way to spend a weekend.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Room 7 boys watch the youtube video of your dance and practise it with the video.

Girls, click link to practise production dance.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

More Soccer Fun for Big G

Looking good boys. Big G will be picking up many tips about the game of soccer!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Basketball Fun

Room 7 students were lucky enough to have Sport Taranaki coaches visit last week to help them with their basketball skills.

Big G Enjoying Saturday Sport

What a great looking team. Big G was very lucky to watch such an enthusiastic team.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Bring Your Own Device

Thank you to our Year 7 and 8 students who helped Room 7 students set up their device so that they can use their i pads and laptops during class time. Your expertise and patience was appreciated by us all.

Science Investigation

Room 7 children are developing their observation skills so that they can write their 'I wonder' questions. Here some students are closing observing an earthworm in preparation for their earthworm projects next week.

Creative Writing

Room 7 students really enjoyed working with a partner to create some amazing stories. Very entertaining!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Investigating The Effects of Acids

Room 7 students watched a short movie that explained what pH is and the difference between acids and alkalines. Students then used a match stick and lemon juice (acid) to write a message on a piece of paper. Once the message dried, they then rubbed their message with a wax crayon. The message appeared. Why?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Big G amongst the nuts

Big G would rather be eating bananas but maybe the nuts will be ok after all!

Big G checking out Joseph's new laptop

Here is Big G enjoying time on a laptop. Big G is looking forward to practising his maths skills on Mathletics!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Big G and Friends.

Big G was very fortunate to have his first sleep over of the year at Ellie's house. Here is Big G looking very comfortable with Ellie's two gorgeous friends.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Field Trip - Landfill and Transfer Station

Room 7 visited the New Plymouth transfer station and landfill today. We learnt many interesting facts about the landfill such as that by June 2019 the landfill will be full and the rubbish will all have to be transported to South Taranaki. Last year 63000 tonnes of waste was put into the landfill. All plastics, except those with the numbers 1 and 2 on the bottom, end up in the landfill because they cannot be recyled in New Zealand. We all must reduce, reuse, recycle so that less waste is being taken to the landfill.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Colourful Milk Science Experiment

Room 7, 8 and 9 students carried out an experiment that showed how one end of the molecules in detergent are attracted to fat while the other end repels water. We learnt that milk is made up mostly of water, with protein and fat being two other main components. As the molecules in detergent went about their business, the food colouring in the milk moved around in a chaotic manner. A fun experiment which demonstrates how molecules in detergent work.