Saturday, August 16, 2014

Poem About Volcanos

Huddling down deep inside,
As quiet as a mouse,
Boiling magma dangerous and bold,
While I’m safe inside my house,
Suddenly I feel a shake then after that a rumble,
I look around my room and see everything start to tumble,
I catch a glimpse at the volcano with smoke pouring out the top,
The smoke is oh so thick and I cannot see all our crops,
As quick as a flash I run out the door and hop into the car,
I see all my village friends drive off and soon I start to cry,
It can be quite hard leaving everything back there,
I wish I had my china doll with her ever so smooth hair,
Mum tells me to think about all the good stuff,

That is quite hard with your sisters being very rough!!!
By Ella-Maire


  1. Love your poem Ella-Maire. Very descriptive.

  2. Well done Ella-Maire your poem on volcanoes was amazing congratulations.
